Why should you choose moveHER Money?
Responsible, Confident and Secure Girls
- Girls who are taught how to manage money are more responsible with their finances, have increased confidence and are able to have more financial security.
- Plus, Personal Finance Classes are not mandatory at most high schools or colleges!
Girls with independence have the ability to control their own future and outcome
- Whoever/whatever controls your money controls you.
- Girls who grow up to be financially stable women have the independence and strength to become who they want to be and learn to rely on themselves which creates a deep sense of self esteem and respect.
Avoid money mistakes
- moveHER Money won’t just teach girls what TO do with their money. It will also teach them what NOT to do so they can avoid the most common money mistakes.
Cost (...but more of an investment!)
- For only $397, you will get access to the entire moveHER Money Course which includes 250+ lessons, 80+ videos, interactive quizzes, and a certificate of completion.
- That is half the price of the average 3-credit college class which is $876 (educationdata.org).
- For $1/day, you can invest in her financial literacy and provide an incredible foundation for her future.
It’s One of the Best Gifts You Can Give a Girl
- Providing a girl with an avenue to learn about money can be one of the most impactful gifts you can give her.
- A Stanley Tumbler won’t change her life, but learning about money will drastically change the outcome of her life.
Her Future Marriage
- Money disputes are the #1 cause of divorce.
- Learning about money in high school and college can decrease money issues and fights in the future…thus having stronger marriages.
Generational Wealth and Giving
- One person can change an entire family tree.
- What if a girl could change generational wealth and giving because of what she learned in high school or college? I believe that can happen.
Taught by a Mentor
- Sarah has been a mentor to high school and college girls for over 10 years and has a deep passion for elevating girls in all aspects of their life…especially finances and faith.
Not a Classroom Feel
- moveHER Money does not have the feel of teachers lecturing about money. It’s a more dynamic and fun environment for girls to learn.
- Also, sometimes it helps for girls to hear things from someone other than their parents (Trust me…I remember what I was like in high school and college!)
- Girls can take the moveHER Money Course on their laptop or phone.
- They can start and pause the course as often as they would like.
- Each lesson is about 2-3 minutes long. It’s short, snackable content so girls can easily learn tidbits about money no matter how much time they have.
What you'll get:
- 250+ lessons covering 19+ topics on money and finances
- 80+ videos walking girls through money, taxes, finances, credit and more plus personal money stories girls will relate to.
- Quizzes to test their knowledge and attention.
- A TON of freebies such as budget sheets, interest examples, 7 Steps to Become a Wealthy Girl and more!
*We recommend that girls spend 2 hours/week for 4 weeks on this course to optimize their learning and retention of the material.
While I love talking about money, I am not a financial professional. I am not a financial advisor, portfolio manager, or accountant. This is not trading advice, investing advice, or tax advice. The information on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Investment products discussed (IRA's, Mutual Funds, etc.) are for illustrative purposes only. moveHER Money, LLC