moveHER Money Mini-Courses

These *new* mini-courses make learning about money fun, simple and engaging!

The Cool Girl's Guide to Budgeting

Ready to unleash your financial coolness? Say hello to "The Cool Girl's Guide to Budgeting" course—where money savvy meets style!

Learn the art of budgeting, make your cash work smarter, and rock your financial world—all while having fun! This course is your secret weapon to slay money myths and make budgeting fun. Join us for an adventure in financial empowerment!

Get access to financial fabulousness now! 💸

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The Wealth Track for Girls

Ready to dive into the ultimate financial adventure? "The Wealth Track for Girls" is your ticket to mastering money magic! đź’°

Discover the secrets of budgeting, unleash the power of saving, and conquer the world of investing—all while having a blast! Join our exclusive course designed for girls eager to take charge of their financial destiny.

*The Wealth Track for Girls includes "The Cool Girl's Guide to Budgeting" plus modules on goal setting, saving and investing.

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Debt-Free Gen Z

Are you eager to conquer financial independence? Say goodbye to debt stress and hello to a prosperous future! Our comprehensive program is tailored for girls like you, aiming to decode the mysteries of debt while providing actionable strategies to lead a debt-free life. Discover how to build credit, when you should get a credit card, and how to pay off debt. Get ready to start building a solid foundation for a debt-free, empowered future!


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